

Journal Staff


By Journal Staff

ems2016_featured2The new European EMS Congress—the first of its kind on the continent—will hold its inaugural EMS meeting (EMS2016) May 30 to June 1 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Designed to emulate the goals of the U.S. Gathering of Eagles, an organization created in 1997 for EMS medical directors and chief medical officers, the European congress will act to stimulate innovation and best practices in EMS. Establishing an EMS Leadership Network in Europe is a primary task planned at EMS2016, along with providing a platform for the exchange of information.

According to Jerry Overton, Accreditation Board Chair, International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED), and EMS2016 co-founder, the three-day meeting will be a catalyst for future research, education, and product development.

“At EMS2016, we will create a setting where the leading experts in the field can share their experiences and where you as a participant have the opportunity to contribute with professional input across different fields,” Overton said.

In addition, EMS2016 will host the scenario-based European EMS Championship that tests an EMS team’s ability to manage patients in various circumstances with common critical medical conditions and trauma, with an international team of judges selecting the winning team following two days of competition.

More information about EMS2016 is available by contacting the congress secretariat at ems2016@regionh.dk.

Source: Ambulance Today, Winter 2015 – Issue 4/Volume 12