The Journal

Welcome to the Journal of Emergency Dispatch website, your online source for news, features, and commentary covering the emergency dispatch profession. The Journal, published by the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED), is available exclusively on line. New issues are posted every two months. In addition to the Journal, the editorial team publishes articles separate from the magazine on the Journal site (labeled Journal+). Full access to the Journal is available at

The International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED) is a nonprofit, standard-setting organization promoting safe and effective emergency dispatch services worldwide. Compromised of allied academies for medical, fire, police, and nurse triage dispatching, the IAED supports first-responder-related research, unified protocol application, legislation for emergency communication center regulation, and strengthening the emergency dispatch community through education, certification, and accreditation. For more information about IAED, visit
The Team

Audrey Fraizer is Managing Editor of the Journal of Emergency Dispatch. Prior to working with the IAED editorial team, she was the managing editor of a magazine published by a national medical coding organization and, before that, a reporter for newspapers in the Chicago area, Indiana, and Arkansas. In her spare time, she writes.

Heather Darata is Senior Copy Editor for the Journal. She has worked for the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch for 14 years. When not working, Heather enjoys spending time with her husband, reading, getting together with family and friends, and dabbling in cooking and baking.

Rebecca Barrus is Principal Podcaster for the Journal and Annals of Emergency Dispatch and Response (AEDR). She is also a writer and editor, with her work appearing in the Journal and several other Academy publications. Becca holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English from Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. She worked as a ghostwriter for two years where she wrote four novels and edited several more. Becca’s hobbies include baking and watching baking shows with the intensity of an avid sports fan.

Brett Patterson is Academics & Standards Associate and Chair of the Medical Council of Standards for the IAED. His role involves protocol standards and evolution, research, training, curriculum, and quality improvement. Prior to working with the IAED, he spent 10 years working in the Pinellas County EMS System, Florida. He answers members’ protocol questions in the Journal FAQ column.

Matthew Miko Director of Academics, Research, and Communications for the IAED. He previously worked in higher education with Strayer University and spent 8 years as Chief Legal Counsel for the Ohio Civil Rights Commission.

Jeff Clawson, MD, is the Chair of the Rules Group of the Medical Council of Standards of the IAED and Medical Director of the IAED Research, Standards, and Academics Division. He co-founded the IAED in 1988. As the inventor of the Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS), widely recognized as the international standard of medical dispatch care and practice, Dr. Clawson is often referred to as the “Father of EMD”. The Journal regularly publishes his “Ask Doc” column and the “Blast from the Past.”
Honorable Mentions

Chris Carr is the IAED Creative Director.

Serina Nielson is the Journal’s Graphic Designer. Before coming to the IAED, Serina worked as a designer at Love Communications, a leading advertising firm in Salt Lake City.
Submitting an Article
The Journal is divided into several sections, with articles in these sections written by staff, regular columnists, and contributors. Contributors—those submitting stories outside of Journal staff—generally submit columns or articles for the Your Space and On Track sections. The Your Space section highlights stories about emergency dispatchers in action, awards, and off hour interests. On Track includes the Continuing Dispatch Education (CDE) articles and quizzes applied to individual CDE requirements to maintain certification. For more information and editorial guidelines, contact us at